10 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat – well, why wouldn’t you!

10 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat – well, why wouldn’t you!

10 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat – well, why wouldn’t you!

Amazing transformations can happen on a yoga mat. I’ve seen it as a yoga teacher, and experienced it as a student. Release of tension and pain in the body, change of mind and profound insights, glimpses of pure bliss within minutes of stepping onto the mat...

yoga holiday On the mat

Imagine if you spent a week, instead of a few hours with yoga as your main focus - imagine what could happen then! Mix that up with the idea of a holiday, a group of people who are drawn to the same type of yoga holiday as you, loads of choice to suit you, and the combination is a powerful catalyst for reaching a new part of yourself that other holidays can't reach, and going home fully refreshed and ready to carry on with more awareness!

The words ‘yoga retreat’ may conjure up images of strict schedules, ashram dormitories, detox, fasting and chanting at the guru's feet at dawn, but these days, there are lots of yoga retreats to choose from where you can immerse yourself in a variety of practices - as much or little as you want.

Here are 10 reasons to go:

1. You simply want to spend more time on yoga - A daily practice lead by an inspiring teacher is a great way to kick start your practice on your return home.

2. You’re frazzled - If you’re run down, you know how important it is to take time out to recharge your batteries. Generating good energy through yoga, you’re bound to go home fully charged!

3. You feel stressed, short tempered and your relationships are suffering – Time and space for your self is a great recipe for self care - take time to look after yourself, and your relationships will take care of themselves

4. Stuck in a rut – if you’re going through the motions in your life but know something is not right, this time away can help you consolidate what you already know from a different perspective. But watch out, you may make big changes when you get home!

yoga group Yoga group photo

5. Need a change of scene – Getting away from your daily routine and lists of things to do will shift your focus to the natural goodness that emerges through waking up with yoga - joy, beauty, strength and peace of mind.. other words of your own may spring to mind!

6. Looking for like-minded friends – people often feel very connected energetically when practicing together over time and find new friends and support for life

Saddhu7. Transformation – You’re sure to feel the difference between when you arrive and when you leave. Don’t forget to check in with yourself and maybe keep a journal of anything that stands out, and action you want to take to keep a strong commitment when you get home.

8. Are you always giving and looking after others?– if you are a parent or a carer, you may just need some ‘me’ time. A space where you can remind yourself of your inner pool of resources and coping techniques - nourish yourself before you can take it home

9. Looking to learn something new? On retreat, yoga teachers usually teach things you don’ t learn in class. There is more time to explore some deeper yoga practices especially pranayama and meditation

10. Feed your senses? Yoga retreats are held at some beautiful natural healing life-affirming venues full of good vibrations where you can use all your senses to feel fully awake and aware. We especially love India, the warmth of the sun and the people, the food and the sunsets. Wow, its good to be alive!

elephant festival Elephant Festival

The good news is that its not too late to book a winter sun yoga holiday in india. Decide what you need in your life right now and email us holidays@yogaunited.com to find out the schedule and kinds of practices.. So pack your bags, its time to leave the country! And may your retreat bring you closer to whatever it is you need in your life.

Judy Hirsh runs long weekend yoga retreats in the UK, and has been taking yoga holiday groups to India for the last 10 years with her company Yoga United. She is a yoga and meditation teacher, and yoga therapist who works with people to access their inner wisdom and truth. She feels that a life/work balance is important and when she’s not busy with yoga, she loves chocolate and bootcamp in equal measures…well maybe not quite equal!

Contact details:

Email judy@yogaunited.com

Phone 020 8361 1882

Website: www.yogaunited.com


