6 Retreat Holidays in India - which one would you choose?
De-stress, relax, adventure, pamper, retreat, make new friends, transform - maybe all of the above - the choice is yours!
Plan for your winter ahead - Combine your love of yoga and India, a winter booster of warm sun, sea and even warmer people, reconnect with your radiant self by inviting a new way of seeing and being in tune with the yoga philosophy of India lived in the present.
We're in our 9th year organising holidays in south India, you know you're in good hands - leave the guidebook at home and trust that what you find is what you seek!
Each holiday has its own style - there's something for everyone with top International teachers!
Sun 22 - Mon 30 Jan
Restorative Treat Poovar Island with Judy Hirsh
Get away from it all, arrive by boat, relax & restore with yoga, meditation, deep relaxation, and stunning natural surroundings Book Now
Thurs 2 - Fri 10 Feb
Scaravelli Retreat, Cherai Beach with Catherine Annis
Settling, body-centred approach with down-to-earth teacher with a sense of fun and exploration. Loads of local delights and spontaneity Book Now
Thurs 2-Fri 10 Feb
Embodied Mindfulness Course, Cherai Beach
with Lyn Tally
This course brings a new way of seeing & being - it may change your life to align with your greatest desires! Book Now
Yoga & Meditation Cherai Beach
with Adele Robertson & Lucy Murray
Hatha yoga, Tibetan Buddhist mediation, 2 teachers - this holiday is a relaxing tonic and accessible to all Book Now
Sat 11 - Sun 19 Feb
Jivamukti Holiday Cherai Beach
with Andrea Kwiatowski
Get your body, mind, voice, notebook and spirit ready for this strong practice with afternoon yin sessions to balance with the morning yang Book Now
22 Feb - 2 Mar
The Goddess as Body - Yoga & Creative Journaling
Cherai Beach
with Beverley Nolan
A combination of embodiment practices, and yoga to inspire you with additional and optional journaling project for an added out of this world dimension Book Now
Will you do more than dream next winter? We're dreaming about our next trip and happy to answer questions.
Call Yoga United 020 8361 1882 Outside UK 0044 208 499 3556
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