What's in a year? Scan your body now

What's in a year? Scan your body now

What's in a year? Scan your body now

Happy new year everyone. You may wish to scan through your body as well as this blog.

Judy Sampath is not going to advise you on how to make a vow, a new years resolution and how you should be different! I am sharing a practice that I find useful and not too serious...As I reflect on the year gone by and the calendar year ahead, I start with a short practice so I am sharing it with you.The end of the calendar year is not the only time but a good time for reflection. I find it's an easy marker to remembering where I was, what I was doing and how I was in myself this time last year and what's happened in one year. 

As I reflect on the year gone by and the calendar year ahead, I start with a short practice so I am sharing it with you.

Find a favourite place to sit where you will be undistrubed for 15 minutes or longer if you have time. It may be a good time to find an empty notebook if you are not a journaller but keep buying notebooks to start one.

Sit quietly for a few minutes, read the following instructions. 

In your notebook at the top of each page, write all or some of the following questions.

You can write in some notes straight away if you like and spend a little time thinking about the questions without TRYING TOO HARD to search out the answers.

In 2024

* what was a stand out moment?

* what went especially well?

* What created the biggest shift for me?

* what could I have done differently? 

* what do I wish I hadn't done at all?

* what or who is a keeper?

* what/who have I outgrown

* Are my coping strategies working or outdated?

* what turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

* what am I celebrating as I start a new phase?

* In 2025:

* what do I want to do differently going forward?

* what/who will I pay more attention to? 

* How do I wish to be with inevitable difficulties and pain?

* How will I let the important people in my life know how much they mean to me?

* How can I have more fun and joy?

* Anything I'd like to start or come back to that feeds my soul?

* What can I do to accept myself more fully?

Now put the notebook aside, put an alarm on for 10mins and sit or stand upright, close your eyes and take your attention to your feet.

SCANNING - feet to head

Imagine you are sitting or standing in a scanner that brings a light source from the souls of your feet to your knees, knees to pelvis, pelvis to rib cage, shoulders to fingers, collar bones to the top of head - stay present as you scan up through each part of your body with the light of your attention. 

Move your attention up and down a few times from feet to head and then head to feet.

You may want to interrupt the process to make notes in answer to one of the questions before you forget - so each time you do that, make a note of where you were in the body scan when the memory or answer came up eg. the stand out moment  was X (belly). You don't need to make the connection now but its a good one to come back to when you've completed the practice. So make sure to bring your attention back to the body again so your body and mind are not eager to move onto the next thing. Be here, Notice if there's a place or feeling tone where you want to linger in a part of the scan, or a part where you're in more of a hurry to move on.

SCANNING - back & front

BACK - Now focus on the back of your body, take your eyes into the back of your head, the breath into the back of your lungs and the lower back. Be here for a few minutes taking in the space behind you - behind you is last year and the back of your body may have some sensations or images related to recent memories. Make any notes without disturbing yourself too much.

FRONT - Now focus on the front of your body, take your attention to your nostrils, your eyelids, your lips, and front of your throat and jaw. Feel into the rise and fall of the breath in the soft front of your chest and belly. Be here for a few minutes taking in the space in front of you, eyes open or closed. In front of you is the future and the front of your body is tentatively reaching into it right now. As you reach for your notebook, take your arms out in front of you and aim your fingers forward. Look between your arms and ahead, What do you see, hear or feel here?




Come back to your notebook. Read back what you have written. 

Place your hands on any places where information was arising and see if there's any more going on here - your body may want to move so follow it.

You do not need to make a new years resolution or a vow to make big changes.

What is useful is to find a few words to turn into a mantra or affirmation to whisper to your cells and your Self.

So I want to share with you what I got out of this practice. 

My affirmation which I am still refining -  'I am focussing on finding extraordinary moments in ordinary life, I am an alchemist '.  

For my professional life, I also repeated to myself many times - I am incredibly honoured and grateful for my yoga students and yoga therapy trainees and graduates - for continuing to trust in me as your guide. I have known some of you for decades and we learn, grow and become wiser together through life's difficulties and celebrations, as we practice Self care and Soul care. I am looking forward to all that unfolds in 2025 and what manifests as a result of the flow.

My personal one I will keep close to me as I create good boundaries around over-sharing!

Please email me if you need any guidance or have any feedback, I am here for you. 

If you have read this blog and have questions or are seeking answers, do reach out to me, I am here for you,.

Love Judyx