You have been invited to the greatest party in the history of the universe - life on Planet Earth

...You have already decided to join the greatest party ...
In a recent meditation practice, it dawned on insight came - wow, I can't believe I have been invited to this party, the party that is life on Planet Earth, this planet that is alive with all the creatures and plants in forms and colours that you couldn't make up if you tried...and that's only the stuff that is visible to the human eye! Was the invitation sent to the wrong address? So I blogged, read on...
My mind started it's familiar put downs - Yes, it must've been sent to the wrong address. Why am I, little insignificant me, supposed to be here? Can I take up space here, am I special enough? Am I enough, am I doing enough? Can I offer something as beautiful as all I see in nature around me?
I already chose to RSVP and turn up, a little later than expected and a little blue in the face, but HERE I AM, my inner wisdom said, what an honour, a joy, I, yes, I was called and I answered. We all have!
Let us all know how special we are, let us take up our rightful place that has been shaped for us here, let us relax into belonging here, into the arms of Mother Earth who sent the invitation, who desired us so completely, who holds us in her embrace and breathes life with us on every step. Let us find ways to protect Mother Earth and her children.
Let us gracefully accept and simply enjoy being here. Someone went to all the trouble of organising the party, the backdrop and decorations, the food and drink, all the creature's invitations, and carriages that brought us to this address from somewhere else to what seems like the only life, life in full technicolour that is Planet Earth hung in the sky and tipped to an angle that is the perfect temperature for us. Let us marvel at the awe-someness of it all. Let us follow our unique and individual journeys here and take notice of what we are being shown, the people we are meeting, the 'coincidences' that are really magical threads and magnets that connect us all, however illogical and unscientific. Let's believe in the unexplained and 'no known cause', and wonder at the awe-some views and the stars. And just as I wrote the last words, a rainbow appeared over the garden, oh its a double...maybe a unicorn will show up next...let me check the schedule of spectacular really couldn't make some of this stuff up!
It is certainly something else, something worth celebrating before we return home.
While we are here, let's witness each other, mingle, communicate, dance with each other, make life-long friends. Let's also understand the ones who are not like us, and notice the ones we just don't get as part of the variety of it all, the ones that trigger something in us...that mirror back to us what needs to be seen, what is obvious once it is revealed.
In my work as a yoga therapist and educator here on this planet, I witness so much that makes me believe in the power of healing, the messy growth that comes with inevitable suffering, the shifts into kaleidoscopes of altered states of awareness and feelings - its all here at the party, all the light and dark, all the ugly and beautiful stuff, some of it unimaginable and unspeakable...and somehow it is all welcomed, or at least, it is shown, as reflections of our multi-faceted personalities! We have all been invited to this party and we have all chosen to come, and will all leave at the right time.
Please leave me a COMMENT at the bottom right of this email and let me know what you think!
If you're inspired to connect and enquire about how to navigate life, find relief from suffering, pain, tension and move into joyful celebration and graceful ageing, Set up a call with me NOW
Love Judyx
Judy Hirsh Sampath is co-founder of Yoga United, and founder of Yoga United Education offering workshops, courses and trainings. She is a professional yoga therapist and senior yoga teacher. CLASSES & 1-2-1s with JUDY
- Check out our next winter retreats in India
- Get a taste of things to come...
- 15 JUNE 2019 Mindfulness, Restorative yoga & Yoga Nidra afternoon with Judy Hirsh Sampath & Lyn Tally
3-5.15pm - a leisurely afternoon of yoga therapy - through embodied mindfulness, restorative yoga, and yoga nidra.
5.30-6pm - If you are thinking about joining our short courses & trainings, there will 30 minutes following the session to learn more about what yoga therapy is, who can benefit and our courses & retreats.
Get a taste of things to come...and Module 1
- 6-15 JUNE 2019 Yoga Business & Your Authentic Self w
1-2-1 sessions to focus your intentions, boost your confidence & your business
With special guest tutor from the USA, Lyn Tally - yes, Lyn is back in the UK and is offering 1-2-1 sessions for 1 hour slots face to face in London or on Skype. Make the most of this offer with Lyn's excellent coaching, knowledge and encouragement
- 29 JUNE 2019 The Beauty of the Breath for Mobility and Strength
1 day workshop with Anthea Sweet. Offering a new perspective on the balance between flexibility and strength, and falling in love with your breath again and again - develop body awareness which supports a healthy structure. For yoga practitioners, yoga teachers, yoga therapists & body workers
- 13 JULY 2019 Chair Yoga for Mature Movers
1 day workshop with Richard Kravetz. New skills and creative ways to guide the elderly to move safely, find support and feel included - in yoga classes, with your own mature family members, in elderly care settings and specialised yoga classes
For yoga practitioners, yoga teachers, yoga therapists & body workers. 5 day training follows in the Autumn
- 26-29 SEPT 2019 Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Essentials
with Michael Lee, Founder of the Phoenix Rising Method. For the first time Europe - don't miss this 32 hours of opportunity to learn this life-changing method with all its gentleness and edges. IAYT approved training (APD)
LIMITED PLACES LEFT - You do not need to be a yoga teacher or therapist to join this 4 day level 1 training - it is open to anyone who is interested in therapeutic yoga practices for their own personal development and self-care, to help cope with difficulties in life and relationships, and/or wanting to apply the practices to support others on their yoga journey, or train to become a yoga therapist.
- Autumn dates confirmed - 21 & 22 Sept | 19 & 20 Oct | 9&10 Nov | 23 & 24 Nov
- Spring 2020 - dates tbc
YOGA THERAPY MODULE 1: The Essentials (8 days) If you are curious about yoga therapy, wish to improve your relationship with your Self, turn down your judging mind, or just learn more about how yoga can support you in your life...learn how to turn up your inner wisdom, learn to love yourself and have more compassion for others - skills have been known to create immediate positive outcomes in your attitude, your life and your relationships. Accredited by BWY with certificate. Not only for yogis! Common conditions covered: anxiety, anger, depression, back pain, shoulder/neck stiffness, listening skills...Email Judy to discuss payment plans and bursaries to get you on board NOW! this course is repeated in the autumn in London and at Camyoga in Cambridge
- 22 Sept 2019 Introduction to Yoga Therapy & Embodied Mindfulness - Stroud
One day workshop with Judy Hirsh Sampath
BWY South West, Gloucestershire - email Judy for booking details
Suitable for yoga practitioners, student teachers, yoga teachers, health professionals and those curious to find out more about Yoga Therapy. You do not need to be a BWY member or teacher to sign up
4-6 OCT & 15-17 NOV 2019 Chair Yoga Module (35hrs)
with Richard Kravetz & Mary Mackie for deeper learning and applications of yoga using props. BWY certificated course with guests to inspire and share their stories. Learn new skills and share learning with like-minded teachers and health professionals
- 3 NOV 2019 Introduction to Yoga Therapy & Embodied Mindfulness - Kegworth
One day workshop with Judy Hirsh Sampath
BWY East Midlands Region - email Judy for booking details
Suitable for yoga practitioners, student teachers, yoga teachers, health professionals and those curious to find out more about Yoga Therapy. You do not need to be a BWY member or teacher to sign up
- Professional Yoga Therapy Training (550hrs) with Judy Hirsh Sampath & faculty of inspiring educators including Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Antonia Boyle, Beverley Nolan, Jyoti Manuel & Mary Mackie. Next course starts in 2020. You will need to successfully complete Module 1
- See Module 1 dates
- Email for full training Prospectus
- Yoga Teacher Training & Enrichment Programme (200hrs+) with Beverley Nolan & Barefoot Body Training. Judy Hirsh Sampath is a guest tutor on this thought-provoking and trauma-informed teacher training with a powerful embodied approach to practice and teaching that is trauma-informed and inspired by accessibility and inclusivity. Putting professional ethics at the heart of all that we do <3