8 Ways to Deal with List Overwhelm

8 Ways to Deal with List Overwhelm

8 Ways to Deal with List Overwhelm

How satisfying is it to cross off chores from your lists of things to do? I am stunned to report that I'm on top of my lists, yes very plural, right now and it feels so good, and a very new feeling to have time for the important people in my life after a very long list-filled years.

I'm carrying on in this new way of organising my lists and here's a LIST of a few tips that may help:


  1. Check my lists and re-organise them by importance rather than urgency
  2. Name lists by category or person and a new one marked 'to be continued' to take away that sinking feeling of coming to those chores that have been neglected and create a sense of overwhelm
  3. Make a date-specific list for exciting creative projects, tax returns and sorting out the diary
  4. Dont' forget a play list - some fun activities that pop up when you get to a certain point in your list
  5. Saying NO to people - without getting stuck in long explanations, and feelings of guilt
  6. Ask for help - I realise that people are so willing to help, and that its OK if they say NO
  7. Delegate - pay someone to do some chores you're not good at or dont' want to do
  8. Even when things seem urgent, I make time and space to rest - an afternoon nap, restorative practices and meditation are good coping mechanisms when overload creates confusion - and settle into ease and clarity. This is not self-indulgent but necessary to take care of yourself
  9. Online shopping has helped me in a big way - I don't mind paying for shipping when I think time and money - getting to the shops before they close, finding a parking space, paying for parking, carrying heavy bags..
  10. If you have a Christmas shopping list, or gifts to buy list, here's one list you could address right now. Shop at Yoga United, not only for yogis but if you're reading this,my
  11. guess is you'd be happy to buy presents that are made in the spirit of yoga and that could be blankets, cushions, eye pillows, relaxation packs, things to play with...

And in the spirit of looking after yourself, how about a treat for you!

Please share any other ways you avoid list overwhelm!

Love Judy and the Yoga United team