Drop into Deep Restorative Sleep

Drop into Deep Restorative Sleep
The world is underneath you
Right here, right now
Gravity is drawing you to her surface, just enough and not too much
Whatever forces are pulling your attention
Yield now
The Earth can take you
She knows all of you already
your thick weight and muggy troubles
your whistling joys and merry tunes
The Earth is here to support you
To share the burden of your suffering
To gladly raise you into your healing
With a big sigh of relief
Exhale now
Exhale into the embrace of Mother Earths open arms
Let go as much as you dare
She celebrates you
With a sparkling intake of breath
Inhale now
Inhale into the vitality of life’s surprises
Receive the gifts as much as you love
What else is here
Falling to Earth?
Let life be here
Just as it is
Trust the knowing that arises in this space
Traced with the thread of our breath
Wedded in the drumming of our hearts
Webbed together in a technicoloured dreamcoat of eternity
Where we return to soothe our vertical shafts
Resting close on her treasured molten stone
To lie horizontally with her at the shore
Her Nature, Our nature
Same Same
Sleep Sleep
If you are having difficulty sleeping, our Yoga Therapy for Restful Sleep course can be found in the Education section HERE