Self-directed neuroplasticity to create change

By changing your relationship to your body, your internal landscape - relationships involve emotions as well as looking good on the outside. Our world, our perceptions can change on the outside by befriending your body, by travelling through it meeting all the stored up experiences and emotions of our lives. By allowing the things we have pushed away to resurface into the arms of loving awareness.
I experienced exactly this in the last two weeks. You know the feeling when you stop and relax and you realise just how overwhelmingly exhausted you are? I have been resting in yoga nidra, sleeping in the day, sleeping at night, taking afternoon naps and I feel like all the cells in my body are weeping tears of gratitude. I feel myself really well and clear. I feel like MY body has renewed ITSELF - how powerful is that. Helped by the 'hive' of a group of women all vying for each other in the collective need for healing, sharing stories of grief and suffering, we shared our tears and our love.