Yoga: Create a Sense of Belonging

Have you noticed how your experience changes when you practice yoga outside?
My yoga practice feels freer, my asana more spacious, my breath is hungry for fresh air, and the quality of my practice is connected to the senses, and my intention seems to dissolve into a primal connection to the elements. Having no walls or ceiling creates a sense of space. I like to welcome that in with my eyes open, taking in space and light and shapes and colours, looking up into the infinite sky above, feeling the air against my skin, and if the ground is dry, I move away from my mat and take the whole earth as my practice mat.
I belong here in the space between the earth and the sky, in a perfect balance between gravity and ether.
Creating a Sense of Belonging in a Turbulant World
It may feel good but the sense of belonging I get is crucial. As a yoga therapist, I'm finding some recurrent issues arising right now - feelings around being un-safe, fearful and not knowing who and what to trust in turbulant times. Is it possible to feel the ground underneath us, holding us, cradling us, soothing our nerves and letting us know that we belong here?
When I've finished my practice, I take a moment to feel a sense of belonging, purpose and gratitude for this life so I can carry on practicing 'yoga' when I step back into my life. I remind myself throughout the day of the sense I had on the mat and quietly embody that by breathing it, feeling its familiar soothing quality. I am able to use the wave of my breath any time I feel anxious or afraid. And I am practicing using it to recognise this in others I meet on my journey. I am noticing how very difficult this can be with some people. So I remind myself that deep down, we are all earth's children, we all want to be loved, and listened to and feel a sense of belonging.
Let me know what happens when you take your yoga outside?
Hope you have an insightful week.
Find out more about working with Judy
Love Judyx