Gifts for the senses, the brain and the nervous system

Whatever is happening in the world, you always have a choice to press pause and go inside for a little respite, repair and healing before this level of stress takes its toll on your immune system.
Here are some suggestions...
Take short one minute breaks - take a long sigh out, close your eyes if it helps, feel the ground underneath your feet, and the pulse of life running through your body.Take a moment to remind yourself of the miracle of your own body - to be able to read this blog, to close your eyes and breathe at will, and feel yourself on solid ground, even if it's just for one minute.
If you have the opportunity to take it a little further, the senses send instant messages to the brain that can short cut repetitive thinking, catastrophising, imagining the worst case scenario. This common kind of thinking can start to take root so we can use the senses to alter your state of mind.
Do you have
- a perfume, incense or essential oil smell that transports you instantly to a nostalgic smile, makes you feel cozy or think about a loving, joyful, celebration?
- A song that you hum to yourself or an affirmation that you whisper quietly to yourself
- A way of touching your own body with kindness and understanding, holding someone's hand, going for a massage or putting on hand cream, or rubbing your feet with oil.
- A delicious treat that you can eat guilt-free, guilt-free is important!
For me, I smell lavender and it makes me feel restful. I burn nag champa incense to transport me to spiritual moment hanging in the air, I massage essential oils on my hands, wrists and even feet to melt my tension and be present to myself, to show my Self that I'm taking care of me
If this has given you ideas for yourself or for gifts, create a little space for online shopping at home in good time for the festive season so you can breathe easy, keep warm and avoid the rush. A bit of retail therapy can give you a warm glow too.
From small gifts as gestures, to courses for learning more about yourself and helping others, to holidays in India for a special winter treat, we have it all at and we support all that is ethically made and traded.
Giving a gift, lets someone know how thankful you are for their presence, support, humour and how much they have touched your life. Consider a gift to your Self and your body in appreciation for keeping you well, for healing your cells and taking you through life. Even gift your mind for it's will power in getting up, getting things done, keeping it all together!
Sending a loving warm glow from the YU Team xxx