This is the time for meditation

This is the time for meditation

This is the time for meditation

Good morning from our current yoga retreat in south India! If you can get up early enough, this is a great time for meditation...dawn and sunrise - to listen to your breath and your heartbeat, to pick up messages that they may want you to know, and enter the realms beyond sensation, a place inside where we feel really well, a place that gets blocked once the criticising mind kicks in with its loud wake ups and focus on all that is wrong with you....when the waters are calm and the dust is still settled, and the world around you is sleepy, peaceful and quiet, beginning to awaken.

Before life gets too stirred up into the inevitable doing, coming and going, rush hour and conversations, take some time to tune in to a deep love and silence where you wise Self can be heard. What do you hear?

Have a great day,

Love Judy