Welcome to Autumn

I keep hearing how much people value yoga classes and courses - yoga is a life-saver, a sanctuary of calm in a turbulent world of fear - what would we do without it?
Take a sigh, thank goodness we are connected to yoga, steeped in practice! And remember, before you knew yoga, you always knew how to adapt, change and cope with life and protect yourself from harm, your body knew how to re-balance, regulate and soothe - because yoga takes what already occurs naturally, and simply takes it to another conscious level.
Check out what nature is showing you, what has meaning for you in the change of season.
How does the change in weather affect you?
What's it like to change clothes and layer up?
How do the leaves falling from the trees affect your mood?
What are you learning from Autumn?
How will you meet challenges and change in your life and relationships?
Hope you are thriving more than striving.
Stay warm!
I’d love to hear from you if I can support you enquiring into what lies in your unconscious mind that is getting in the way of you living the life you desire. Set up a discovery call education@yogaunited.com
Here’s to transformation – cheers!
Love Judy x
Judy Hirsh Sampath is founder and director of studies at Yoga United Education. See what’s on offer https://www.yogaunited.com/edu...
Find some free resources www.yogaunitededucation.com