When you fall in love with Yoga

When you fall in love with Yoga

When you fall in love with Yoga

How Deep is your Love of YogaWhen you fall in love with yoga, it's often the case that it has helped you through a difficult time in your life in some way - perhaps breathing, relaxation exercises, postures, flow, and other yoga-related body/mind/spirit practices have helped you shift mood, soften hard edges, reframed negative thinking patterns, offered you deeper self-acceptance, given you a renewed sense of peace, buoyancy and fun, a trust that everything is simply going to be OK. So many benefits, such a deep well. Ahh Yoga - you help people in so many ways - I LOVE YOU!:

Yoga can support you when...

  • You desire to feel physically well, strong, flexible and confident in our body
  • You’re feeling mentally disturbed and looking for self-regulation
  • You’re overwhelmed with loss and confusion
  • You’ve forgotten to appreciate the simple things in life
  • Your nervous system is on constant high alert
  • Ssleep is elusive and your relationships are suffering
  • You’re going through the motions and stuck in a rut…

I could go on...whatever you are receiving from 'yoga', getting a glimpse of its magical powers can be all too fleeting when we're feeling low - when judgment and harshness show up, perhaps shame, hate, disgust, anger - the parts of ourselves we don't like, we do not wish to acknowledge, and go to great lengths to push them down in the body and mind, away from judging eyes - They usually find a way to rise to the surface again in the form of dis-ease!

Yoga - I LOVE YOU!: you make me feel alive and joyful again, you remind me of the bigger picture, and to trust divine laws.

How to keep healthy and well...

it's worth finding out how to keep healthy, growing and flourishing by keeping the magic of yoga close to you, remembering the practices, fall in love with yoga all over again, and accept all parts of you and learn to be unapologetically yourself.

And when you experience this kind of magic for yourself, you could be on the journey to train to help others feel the same...

Here are two testimonials for the Yoga Therapy Module 1  by people who are not yoga teachers, they were simply looking for some practices to help them through their current life 'stuff'.

"This course has showered me with many blessings. I loved the variety of the teaching to promote knowledge and healing in support of my self as well as others – every day left me feeling alive and inspired"

"By seeing yoga and its philosophy in a new way, this learning has all made tremendous difference to my life already"

If you are still reading this, you may be curious about the next dates, and what's coming up in the world of Yoga United Education - so here's what happening next...and hope you're inspired to join us.

Love Judy, Saz & The Yoga United team