Is it winter yet? Yoga holiday retreats in India

Is it winter yet? Yoga holiday retreats in India

yoga, retreat, holiday, India, united, scaravelli, jivamukti, hatha, restorative, embodied, mindfulness, creative, journalling, goddess

Maggie came to India for a Yoga United holiday this year..all the way from South Carolina, USA.

She's embodying the pure joy she felt!

How would you like to feel next winter?

Would you be jumping for joy if you signed up right now?

Holidays and retreats for Winter 2017

Restorative Treat with Judy Hirsh

Jivamukti & Yin with Andrea Kwiatowski

Scaravelli with Catherine Annis

Embodied Mindfulness course with Lyn Tally

Hatha Yoga & Tibetan Buddhist Meditation with Adele Robertson & Lucy Murray

Yoga & Creative Journalling with Beverley Nolan

Personally, I can't wait for winter so I can get back to my second home, south India and run our 9th year of yoga holiday retreats. I love talking about the holidays so call me on +44 (0)208 361 1882 for more information about the holidays, top teachers, add-on options, and flights...