Yoga Holiday in India - why its so special?

Yoga holidays are special full stop. Anywhere in the world where there is natural beauty, yoga and good food, you're really onto a winner...But I think yoga holidays in India are extra-special because yoga philosophy originated in India, its roots are there and you can feel it in the air, practicing in the warmth of the sun, its in the crimson and vermillion sacred powders daubed everywhere, in the roots of the banyan trees and the orange dust of the earth, in the smell of the incense, and intricate decorative designs, in the layers of life...ah Mother India is calling!
Our yoga holiay makers return year after year which is the best testimonial we can receive: our holidays in India can be a wonderful way to leave the everyday, leave the dark cold winter, and make some space to relax, restore, recharge your batteries and practice every day. It could be a healing experience, a time of real adventure and excitement, a time for restoring health, for relaxing ayurvedic massage, and for generating prana to burst back into life afresh - the most important intention for us as hosts and teachers, is that you get what you need, and we support you in making that happen.
Apart from the two daily sessions on the yoga mat, there is the warm Arabian sea, sunrises and sunsets, being at the seaside, tuktuk rides around the local area, shopping, eating fragrant veg and seafood dishes, walks along the beach, connecting with the group you are travelling with, and its the contact with the people we meet at the seaside, and the way of life that make it special.
Yoga philosophy in the everyday
I'm talking mutual fascination! Its (almost) always about smiling and really looking deeply into the eyes of a strange-looking foreigner. As we are taught in yoga philosophy, underneath the illusion of the surface (maya), we find that we are all of the same divine stuff, we are all connected to the great universal soup - Namaste indeed...if we bother to take time to look...and connect.
Its amazing to see a tree daubed in sacred powders - there doesn't have to be a temple, an organisation, a priest...just nature, even cars and fridges get a blessing when they're new. Call it religion, superstition, call it what you like but its refreshing to see the power of a simple blessing as a normal part of daily life that is a ritual, a blessing, a pause in the extraordinary within the ordinary. Everything in nature can be marked sacred - a sacred tree, a sacred animal, a tiny temple on the road. Taking time to be thankful, to appreciate what you have, to travel long distances to pray at a certain temple to thousands of different deities, to whisper your dreams to the god's vehicle, its all part of Indian life.
You will probably want to take lots of pictures of women in vibrant saris, newly wed couples on the beach, families posing together but its often a surprise to find that they want to photograph you too...well why wouldn't they, you're even more fascinating to them, probably because many local people do not get the opportunity to travel abroad, and see anyone like you!
I'm not saying everyone is loved up and wonderful in India; of course, as anywhere in the world, where there are tourists, there are dollars. Personally, I have never felt safer anywhere in the world, and we organise trips and go to places that are not always on the tourist trail or in the guidebook where we are with you.
The Food
Keralan cooking, like the landscape, is all about coconuts. Coconut oil is the new olive oil and the health benefits of all the parts of the coconut plant are proven in Ayurvedic medicine to be far-reaching for heart, brain, kidneys and liver. So having your food cooked in fresh, natural coconut oil is a treat. But there's also the subtle flavours of coconut milk, and ground coconut with spices to thicken sauces. The food is fresh, divine and subtle..and most importantly there are two large buffets per day included in the price of the holiday, and there's loads of choice. Let the restaurant captain know if you have any dietary requirements, and he goes all out to make your stay special. Latst year, even the hotel manager helped serve us up a feast on our last night...he just loves to make yogaunited guests happy - thanks Chef!
Coming with us?
If you'd like to come to India next winter, here's lots more information on our website Yoga holidays in India page. We've been taking groups to India since 2008, so give us a call on 020 8361 1882 if you've got any questions or if you're a teacher and would us to organise your yoga holiday. My name is Judy and Saz is my husband and partner in running these retreats - we can't wait to tell you all about it, it's natural to have questions and concerns especially about flights and travel, visas and vaccinations.
Hope to holiday with you in our second home. Namaste