Yoga United Yoga Therapy Professional Training - what is it?

A Sensitive and Intuitive Approach to Healing whether it's an ailing spirit or a bad back!
“I am not a doctor nor do I have a physical therapy license. I treat the delusion of not knowing your Self and how to find your way past pain and suffering. I guide you, not treat you” Mukunda Stiles, Yoga Therapist
Why yoga therapy training? My experience
It was on my first day teaching yoga in an NHS mental health unit 15 years ago that I realized I was ill-equipped, lacked knowledge, and had issues around self-confidence. My lesson plan started with the students lying in a semi-supine position. This was partly to give them time to settle, relax and feel safe before we started some warm ups and move into asana, and it also gave me a way to settle myself and have a few moments when they weren’t looking directly into the eyes of a nervous yoga teacher.
As I entered the room, one woman was huddled in a corner crying helplessly, another was standing moving from foot to foot and fidgeting with eyes wide open, one young man was
sitting on the floor with a very curved spine and very long hair so I couldn’t even see a face, and a few other students who did not appear to be so extreme – a lot of self-doubt and lack surfaced in me but somehow I found the resources to get through the class – that’s another story but needless to say, the lesson plan was dropped and I had to find some creative ways to hold a safe space for all of the students. As I walked across to the Forensic unit for my next new class, I could only imagine who I would meet, and what I might find. What I knew was that I was going to invest in some yoga therapy training!
Over the years, these two classes turned out to be the best learning I ever received, as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist and as a human being.
Since then, I have met students and clients with mental health issues, infertility, aging, grief, loss of identity, and probably common to all - an ailing or healing spirit.
Tuning into the body and the wisdom that lies within is often described as ‘re-membering’ or as ‘coming home’, re-establishing deeper psychological, therapeutic and universal connections that can offer new hope, possibilities and new ways of being in the world.
What is Yoga United Yoga Therapy
To offer clients a yoga therapy experience that is healing and transformative, the therapist needs to carry on their own healing journey - so this way of being starts with You! How do you look after your own needs, how do you heal yourself? On the Yoga United Yoga Therapy courses, this is an integral part of the training and we offer many ways and skills to meet yourself and others in a way that creates lasting change.
People often seek out a yoga therapist because they are desperate and have tried the ‘usual routes’ to recover good health. Mostly, clients arrive with physical tension and pain of some kind - the body expresses mental and emotional tension through physical tension so this sensitive and intuitive approach greets the body as a messenger.
The Yoga Therapy Boom
Yoga Therapy is fast becoming a recognised and scientifically proven mind/body system in offering people improved physical, mental, and emotional health. With over-stretched health services, high rates of absenteeism at work due to illness, and pharmaceutical quick fixes, yoga therapy works alongside other treatments to support healing and wellness.
What courses are on offer?
We offer free yoga therapy training tasters as an introduction to this sensitive and intuitive approach to yoga therapy. The next 60 hour BWY yoga therapy foundation module dates can be found here, with the next full 550hour diploma training starting in May 2022.
heres a link to more info
You don’t have to be a yoga teacher to be tune into your wise self for personal and/or professional development so let me know how I can support you in your own journey so you can offer it to others.
For a full prospectus, contact
07956 375 607
Article written by Judy Hirsh Sampath,
Yoga Teacher (BWYdip, Yoga Elder IYN)
Yoga Therapist (PRYT600, C-IAYT, CNHC)
Yoga Therapy Trainer (YUYT 500hrs)