Welcome to our affiliate program

Promote {{store url=""}} on your website or via email and social media and get paid! Our program is absolutely free to join, easy to sign-up to, and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

What is an Affiliate Program, How Does it Work
Once you become a member of the program, you are supplied with a pack of banner files, text links and other marketing materials that you can promote wherever you like. When users click on one of the links you placed, they will be directed to our online store and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate program. Each time such users complete a purchase, you earn commission!

Real-Time Statistics
The program membership ensures a twenty-four-hour access to your personal account equipped with real-time stats. Check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your banners are performing.

How do I get started?
Step 1. Sign up to the program - see detailed instructions below.
Step 2. Accept the Terms & conditions. Once your application is approved, you will get access to the banner files, coupon codes and text links that you can place on your website, or in your emails, blogs or social media posts.
Step 3. Start collecting your commission.

How much does it cost? Membership of our Affiliate Program is absolutely free. As an active participant you just need to keep sharing our links and collecting your commission.

Who can participate in the Affiliate Program? Anyone! It doesn’t matter whether you run a large e-commerce website or a small blog you are welcome to join our program.  Even if you don't have a website, it can still work for you using a unique discount code which you can give to your clients in person, by email, carrier pigeon, or another method of your choosing.

How are sales tracked? Once your membership is live, you will be provided with banner files, text links and other marketing materials that you can promote on your website, or in your emails, blogs or social media posts. When users click on one of the links, they will be directed to our site and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate program. 

How much will I earn?  That depends on how many sales are made using your affiliate links.  All affiliates earn commission from each purchase made by their referrals.  Every time a purchase is made, commission accrues in your affiliate account. When your commission balance reaches £50 or more, you can request a withdrawal and we will pay it out to you.


Terms and Conditions

Please carefully read the following Terms & Conditions text before running our Affiliate Program. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Modifications We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this Agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but are not limited to, changes in the scope of available referral fees, fee schedules, payment procedures and Affiliate Program rules.
  2. Enrollment To enroll in the affiliate program, you must accept the Terms & conditions.
  3. Promo You will be provided with a special promo materials (links, banner files, widget and a coupon code) to share.
  4. Commission All affiliates receive a commission from orders placed by affiliate referrals.
  5. Termination Either {{store url=""}} or the affiliate may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause. Once the agreement is terminated, you should remove all links to the {{store url=""}} website as well as all {{store url=""}} trademarks and logos.


To set up an Affiliate account

You will need to have a PayPal account to set up an affiliate account.

  1. On the Yoga United website, login to your customer account (or create a new account if you don’t already have one)
  2. Go to Affiliate Account’ on the left hand menu, click ‘Affiliate Programs’ and fill in in the address of your website, if you have one, (eg https://www.yogaheadspace.co.uk) in the Referring Website field, and your PayPal email address. Click save.
  3. Your account is now set up, and you’ll see an expanded menu under ‘Affiliate Account’ on the left hand menu. If you look at ‘Affiliate Programs’ you will see the discount for your customer and commission for you that is applied once a customer completes an order via your affiliate link or using your discount code
  4. Go to ‘Promo Data’  & you will see three options:
    • Coupon code – is a code you can just email out to your students.  If they use this code when they place an order, they will receive a discount (where applicable) and you will earn commision.
    • Referral Link – generates a special YU referral link that you can include on your website, and when your students click on it, it will automatically give your students a discount & you a commission
    • Banners – the banner directs clients to YU via a referral link that will automatically give your students a discount & you a commission
  5. Set up the Referral Link. You can either paste the exact URL in for a specific product, or for a generic link use https://www.yogaunited.com/.  This generates an affiliate link (like this: https://www.yogaunited.com/?affiliate_code=j6yT2CzIih&referring_service=link) and then....
  6. Put the YU URL into your website as link , or if you prefer a visual link, use the banner
  7. Tell your students, and start earning commission!