By buying a Yogamalai product, you are directly supporting the welfare of families and empowering women we work with in India.
In 2001, Lakshmi, a friend who lives in a fishing village near Chennai, made a yoga mat bag for Judy. When Judy brought it to class, back in the UK, lots of her students wanted one so she asked Lakshmi to make some more. Later the same year, we got our first wholesale order for 100 yoga bags, and we needed to manufacture them. Rather than find a factory, we founded Yogamalai to provide work for people who had no other income. Though Yogamalai, Yoga United offer women training in how to make our yoga props and access to sewing machines.
Years later, we have a team of people working for Yogamalai, a yoga bolster making family, a manager and quality controller. In return for their dedication and commitment, we provide them with a fair wage and flexible working hours - there is no factory paying them meagre rates in poor working conditions.
We are always adding new Yogamalai products to our list as demand increases. Our soothing eye pillows are sewn in India and filled in the UK with French lavender. Yogamalai also make our large, medium and mini bolsters, yoga belts, cotton yoga blankets, yoga kit bags, and large yoga bags for teachers as well as the original yoga mat bags which got the whole enterprise started.
Judy and Saravanan go to India every winter to visit the Yogamalai team. They talk to the families whose lives have been changed by Yogamalai, discuss ideas of how to go forward, choose fabrics and design new products. Watch out for the new fabrics and colours each season.
Contact us on 020 8361 1882 if you would like us to design a bespoke wholesale order.