Yoga United

Reconnect to Intuition Holiday with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

Uma Kerala
India yoga holiday resort palm trees
India yoga holiday with uma oil lamp yoga space
India yoga holiday sanke temple in cherai
Code hol-retreat-uma

Mon 3 - Tue 11 Feb 2025

Eight Nights to reconnect to intuition - a restful and healing Holiday in Kerala, south India

£1095 pp based on 2pp sharing, £220 single supp. Min £350 deposit to secure your place. Add extra nights and organised add on trips. Call Yogaunited to talk options

This nurturing retreat takes place during the special time of Gupta Navaratri - the nine nights of the Divine Mother and includes mantra and Kirtan to honour the power of the deep feminine. 

Yoga therapy, yoga nidra, dreamshare and  Tarot reading to nurture the wisdom of your inner teacher.

It also offers opportunities to book in for one to one readings and sessions with Uma during, before and after the retreat, and study with extra hours.

  • 8 night Retreat single supplement + Premium Room Upgrade
  • Extra Nights inc Tax and Breakfast, Dinner
  • Room Upgrade


  • Description

    Mon 3 - Tue 11 Feb 2025

    8 Nights of Creativity, Yoga, Rest and Dream - a restful and healing holiday in Kerala, south India

    £1095 pp based on 2pp sharing, £220 single supp. Min £350 deposit to secure your place. Add extra nights and organised add on trips. Call Yogaunited to talk options

    Yoga therapy, yoga nidra, dreamshare and  Tarot reading to nurture the wisdom of your inner teacher. 

    This nurturing retreat holiday takes place during the special time of Gupta Navaratri - the nine nights of the Divine Mother and includes mantra and Kirtan to honour the power of the deep feminine. It also offers opportunities to book in for one to one readings and sessions with Uma during, before and after the retreat. 

    New for lovers of learning - in addition to the retreat itself, there is an opportunity to study with Uma and receive the Total Yoga Nidra Creativity Immersion Certificate of completion. The Total Yoga Nidra Creativity Special Immersion course comprises an additional 10 hours of learning as extra morning dream and intuition yoga nidra classes.

    This course is booked separately and in addition to this retreat at the Total Yoga Nidra Network website where you will also receive the online version of the Total Yoga Nidra for Creativity Immersion training as a resource. 


    Those who already have a certification in yoga nidrā will find this intuitive, and deeply feminine approach provides a whole new perspective on yoga nidrā for creativity. This Total Yoga Nidra Immersion counts as the pre-requisite for the  Total Yoga Nidra Teacher and Facilitator and Training. 

    Who is Welcome?

    Everybody is welcome to join Uma and the Yoga United team in Kerala, the home of Ayurveda! The retreat holiday is open to anybody who is interested in enhancing their creativity and intuition through the experience of Total Yoga Nidra, deep relaxation and nutritious yoga therapy with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, PhD, and would relish the chance to relax and enjoy the delights of the Arabian Sea, beach walks and sunsets, the swimming pool and Ayurvedic treatments.

    The focus is to reconnect with intuition through deep rest, yoga nidrā and yoga therapy to nourish well-being. Uma welcomes complete beginners, as well as regular yoga practitioners, yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and anybody who would enjoy nine nights of nutritious, individually tailored therapeutic yoga and lots of nourishing Total Yoga Nidra relaxation. 

    There will be twice daily sessions of yoga, yoga nidra (the yoga of sleep), mantra, song, breath and meditation for all levels, special time for intuitive reflections (with one day off). Uma teaches a fluid variation of yoga therapy movements during this retreat. This retreat is suitable for complete beginners to advanced, and to all ages, and all levels of fitness and experience.

    This retreat has the flexibility for you to tune in to yourself, and you decide what is appropriate for you each day. 

    Alongside all the daily delights of the Arabian sea, the backwaters, yoga and ayurvedic healing, you will also benefit from Uma’s inspirational teaching and guidance throughout the whole retreat, and her presence with you at meals and breaks to answer questions and queries.


    This spacious retreat holiday includes a/c accommodation, twice daily sessions with Umā and luscious breakfast and evening buffets. Optional extra day trips are organised on arrival with Saz & Judy, your Yogaunited caretakers on the retreat.


    Uma is delighted to be offering 1-1 Yoga Therapy sessions and Tarot readings whilst she is in Kerala, South India in February 2024. She will be in residence at Cherai Beach from 1-3 February and 13-18 February. 



    Additional fee of £210 to be paid through Yoga Nidra Network HERE

    Your facilitator 

    Uma has been teaching yoga since 1994 and is the co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network, which has been training yoga nidra facilitators since 2011. She is the author of 6 books on yoga and yoga nidra including Yoga Nidra Made Easy and Yoni Shakti, and is a certified member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

    For a longer stays in India, Yogaunited can help you to book onward travel and tours with our recommended travel agent in India. Email for more information to or call 020 8361 1882 to speak to us.

    Please see the Terms and Conditions 

Uma Kerala

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